Revenue & Growth

Business Development for Digital Infrastructure Solutions

Revenue & Growth

In 2006, business-to-business (B2B) marketing was dramatically improved and accelerated with the publication of the Demand Waterfall by SiriusDecisions. This model introduced the concept of lead sources, multiple levels of lead qualification, and metrics that measure the stages of the buyer’s journey. We’ve had the Waterfall for years and it’s been updated multiple times, but in many ways we’re still not very good at using it.

Click here to read the REACH article on revenue growth, “Are You Exercising Your CORE Marketing Muscles.”

REACH Advisory & Development can help you with every stage of your go-to-market funnel from lead generation to closing the deal. Our Nurturing Campaigns create awareness with target buyers and bring them into your sales funnel wanting to know more about your products and services. Our Buyer Journey Campaigns engage with potential buyers to find out where they are in their decision process and provide relevant content to support them in that stage. Our Propose and Close Review looks at sales presentations and proposals to identify bottlenecks and challenges to winning the deal.

You should work with REACH on revenue growth when your desire is to align your sales and marketing teams to win more new logos and grow current customers faster than they ever have before.

Let's Work Together

If you would like to discuss a consulting engagement or development project with James Leach, President of REACH Advisory & Development, send an email to